Saint Patrick’s Day Corned Beef with Rustic Veggies and Beer.
Oh yeah, St. Patrick’s Day is March 17th, and that can only mean one thing.
Getting drunk at 9 am?? No…….well, maybe..but it’s a “day for wearing of the green” and other kick-ass Irish traditions, like making Irish soda bread, watching the parade on tv, listening to Irish music and ..ok, perhaps getting drunk early in the morning.
Many of you don’t know that St. Patrick was not even born in Ireland, in is said that he may have been,,,ugh..don’t shoot the messenger, Italian. Yup.
Waiter…extra whiskey in my coffee please.
So before you start drinking green beer and dancing with strangers make sure that you gather up all of your ingredients and ready to have the most delicious corned beef and cabbage that you have ever had.
This recipe is a variation of the authentic corned beef and cabbage that my mom has cooked for years with just a few bells and whistles extra that I think you’ll really enjoy.
Starting with the freshest ingredients is the best way to go. I used small red potatoes instead of the starchy Russet potatoes and I did not peel or cut them. When you cut a potato and slow cook it for this many hours you are going to end up with mushed potatoes and could make a big muck of your meal.
I layer the potatoes on the bottom of the slow cooker.
Now for the rustic organic carrots.
I like a rustic, peasant look when cooking sometimes. Think about it…do you really think that back in the day they were concerned about the particular slice of the carrots and overall presentation? Nope.
I cleaned them very well but again, I did not peel them but I did cut them into inch chunks. I read a recipe where the cook took all of the veggies and made them into “match” sized pieces.. Really? 12 hours of cooking potatoes, onions and carrots cut into this shape would be a friggin’ gloppy disaster. Rant over!
See, we have a simple chop, nothing crazy, nothing fancy and something that anyone can do.
Now for the main attraction, The Beef Brisket.
After you layer your slow cooker with potatoes, onions and carrots you will pour your water and chicken broth in.
Place your beef brisket on top of the bed of soaking veggies and then rub the beef with your spice packet. This is the little bag that comes with the meat. If you did not get the spice pack I have included the recipe below.
After this pour your secret ingredient in…..the beer!
Cover the masterpiece in the works and set on low for 9 hours. Pick up the lid, add the chopped cabbage around the meat, submerge, cover the meat and cook on low for another hour to hour and a half.
Enjoy the flavor of this recipe. Notice the extra tender meat that comes from the longer slow cooking, the delicious taste that comes from the chicken broth and the beer.
Your house will smell amazing and sit back with a few beers, good friends and family and enjoy one another and the fact that there are very few dishes to do.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day and don’t forget to share the love!
Twitter: FoodULuv
and on Instagram #thefooduluv

- 1 Corned beef brisket, about 4 lbs.
- 3-4 lbs. small red potatoes. ( washed but not peeled)
- 2 lbs. carrots. ( washed, not peeled and cut into large long pieces)
- 1 Medium White Onion. (chopped into medium size pieces)
- 2 Cups Organic Chicken Broth
- 2 Cups Water
- 8 Ounces Pale Ale. ( For this one I used a very nice micro brew called Port Jeff Schooner)
- 1 medium head cabbage (Chopped into medium size pieces)
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