Snacks Worth Watching Football For. Half-Time Shrimp.

I originally posted a version of this recipe a few years ago and received rave reviews about it, so I wanted to post it again.
I was not the perfectionist with the pictures and stories as I am now, but the recipe is really worth sharing.
I hope you enjoy.
Did someone say Football?
That’s right kid’s. The Super Bowl is right around the corner and to me that means food.
“Don’t you mean football?”….
Nope…I’m not a huge football fan ..but I do love food….so on with the show.
Creamy Cheese Tortellini and Spinach Soup. Welcome to Autumn Crock Pot Creations.
Ok, I give in.
The Summer is totally over….it’s time to to man up!
It’s time to put away the tiki torches…
And it’s time to take out the Crock Pot baby…’cause we be sloooooowwwww cookin’!
( ok, that sounded cooler in my head than when I read it)
Classic Bruschetta.
One of the many simple pleasures coming out of this Irish guy’s kitchen…but in my kitchen we call it…
Bru’sketta, just like Giada.
Ok, I never talk like that, but it sounds more fancy than saying tomatoes and bread, right?
Saint Patrick’s Day Corned Beef with Rustic Veggies and Beer.
Oh yeah, St. Patrick’s Day is March 17th, and that can only mean one thing.
Getting drunk at 9 am?? No…….well, maybe..but it’s a “day for wearing of the green” and other kick-ass Irish traditions, like making Irish soda bread, watching the parade on tv, listening to Irish music and ..ok, perhaps getting drunk early in the morning.
Many of you don’t know that St. Patrick was not even born in Ireland, in is said that he may have been,,,ugh..don’t shoot the messenger, Italian. Yup.
Waiter…extra whiskey in my coffee please.
So before you start drinking green beer and dancing with strangers make sure that you gather up all of your ingredients and ready to have the most delicious corned beef and cabbage that you have ever had.